Dark Angel

How can I describe thee?, as an Angel of the Night?
Or simply as a dream, of a dark and stormy rite...
Are your thoughts so dark and secret, and will they all remain untold...
Or do you secretly long for one,
to whom you can unfold...

Let down the shield of anger, and sadness that you bear,
for no one will reproach you, as long as I am near...
I know not what demons haunt you, but the fear is in your eyes,
and at times I see reflections, of dark and stormy skies...

Take off your coat of armor, and lay your shield aside,
let me feel the love and mercy, that I've seen within your eyes...
Let not your sorrow blind you, to the love you have within,
keep hope and love beside you, I promise you will win...

Goodbye my sweet Dark Angel, I'll dream of you a lot,
for in my heart, and in my soul, You'll have a special spot...

Ron Walker for "Michelle"
May 1996

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