I thought…

I thought that I had lost you, forever more alone…
But soon I learned to close my eyes, and bring your memories home.
I thought I'd never hear your voice, once you had finally gone…
But you are here, within my ear, when the winds do softly moan.

I'll not mourn the passing, of love that we two shared…
For in those moments that we spent, were times beyond compare.
Your eyes, your hair, your soft sweet touch, are things I cherished most…
And having once had those to hold, is something I can boast.

I thought that I would lose my mind, when nights would come so dark…
But I am never lonely here, with memories in my heart.
I've found that things are not so bad, as once I thought they'd be…
So never worry how I am, your still right here with me.

Ron Walker December 1999

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