Our World…

The wind caresses the branches, softly they sway…
as you do when I watch you walk.
The sun warms me where it touches naked skin…
and I am reminded of your sweet breath upon me.

The birds chase one another singing, like we have…
And playfully, love one another this day.
The smells upon the breeze, remind me of many times shared…
The world is like a book of memories…
Pages turning at random by the wind.

The clouds high above, play charades…
Changing from one thing to the next, as does life.
And the small bees whir by, touching flowers and spreading love…
As you touched my heart, and made me grow.

The wind plays chase across the meadow…
Invisible except for the grass that sways beneath it’s rush.
And when two meet, they swirl together in a small storm of passion…
Then separate, to lie quietly upon the grass below.

How this world reminds me of us, and all that we share…
Let me chase you upon the meadow, and whirl together when you are caught.
And I shall lay upon the grass beside you, and feel your strength…
And together, we shall turn the pages in the book of life.

Ron Walker March 1999

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