Your Love…

I never thought my heart could sing, till it learned to sing from you…
And I never believed, in love at first sight, till the day I first saw you.
Promises were just contracts made, in the busy course of life…
But they came to mean, much more for me, when you promised to be my wife.

The clouds were simply things on high, I never paid much heed…
Till I laid with you, upon the grass, and you taught me how to see
A fortress here.. a Princess there.. and Knights upon their steeds…
The dragon's breath, when lightning danced, and thunder shook the trees.

The poetry of moonlit nights, the sounds upon the breeze…
So much I'd missed, before your kiss, you've brought them all to me.
 And when I travel far from home, your always on my mind…
I close my eyes, and dream of you, and that is where I find
Your love…

Ron Walker August 1998

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